
Chesapeake Bay Aluminum Work Boat - Computer Loft from Lines; Create Parts for Construction
165’ Excursion Boat Modified - Added Third Deck to Earlier Design; Created Parts for Construction
Maine Cat Passenger Ferry - Yacht to Passenger Vessel, Documented for USCG
24' Work Skiff - Redesigned for Steel Construction
Catamaran Power Boat - Maine Cat P-38
110 Passenger Excursion Vessel - M/V Columbia Point
33 Passenger Educational Platform - M/V Jenny S
Cold-Molded Fishing Boat - Russell 26
Whale Research Vessel Modification - Towing Post
165' Excursion Boat - Lofting and Creation of Parts
Ferry - Lofting and Creation of Parts
Tug Madeline - Lofting and Creation of Parts and Plates

Background photograph by Alison Hudson